Parkland School Shooting, Real Talk about a Real Problem

 In Podcasts

The liberal left wing media constantly cries that shit like this happens way too much and honestly they’re partially right. The problem however is they are not addressing the actual root cause they instantly regurgitate talking points with out trying to find the solution to a problem. So lets take a moment to pause and discuss possible solutions to a problem that has gone on resolved for quite some time!

We failed those students. We ALL failed them. Social Justice warriors, Law enforcement, Gun owners, Mental Health professionals, Teachers, Everyone failed them

Many are coming out saying the shooter was Antifa, Democrat, threepercenter, republican but the truth of the matter is he wasnt one of us but he was on the nutjob side of the right wing. He hated antifa. He hated isis and made fun of muslims. so far as to say things like, ” Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad lol” His class mates even claimed he was racist towards muslims.

In fact there is over 2 years worth of violent post and threats being made yet nothing came of it. One YouTuber reported a comment in which Cruz stated,  “I want to be a professional school shooter.” This was 5 months before the shooting. What else did you need to read to see that this is a threat?!?! This is not the only instance of this. These threats of violence go back quite a bit and he evens pays tribute to other active shooter situations.

CNN reports that a user named Nikolas Cruz left comments on several Youtube videos in which he talked about shooting people and violence.

Nine months ago, the user posted on a video clip from the NatGeo show “Alaska State Troopers: Armed and Dangerous,” writing, “I am going to kill law enforcement one day they go after the good people.”

Six months ago, the user wrote, “Im going watch them sheep fall f*ck antifa i wish to kill as many as i can,” on a YouTube video titled “Antifa Gun Club.”

Also nine months ago, Cruz commented, “I am going to do what he did,” on a video about the 1966 sniper shooting at the University of Texas.

CNN says the user wrote on other posts, “I whana shoot people with my AR-15 (sic)” and “I wanna die Fighting killing shit ton of people.” The user also wrote, “Elliot rodger will not be forgotten,” a reference to the 22-year-old California man who killed six people and wounded 14 others near UC Santa Barbara in 2014 before killing himself.

With all these algorithms being used by the NSA and even Facebook and YouTube, you would think that this would have pinged on their radar like a fucking nuclear threat and reported! That is far from what actually happened. The Algorithms Facebook and YouTube put into place to police its users failed miserably on multiple instances of content that should have been flagged.

Now He had been previously treated for mental health issues and we are not sure if he got his firearm before or after treatment but on the 4473 which you have to fill out before purchasing a firearm, it asks, “have you ever been adjudicated as a mentally defective.” This in essence means a judge said you are crazy and need treatment. Treatment often includes psychoactive drugs. These are the same drugs you see on late night tv with side effect warnings like “STOP TAKING IMMEDIATELY AND SEE A DOCTOR IF YOU GET FEELINGS OF SELF HARM OR SUICIDE. These big pharma companies never mention Homicidal thoughts, and think about it, if a company told you that if you take a drug and one of the possible side affects would make you want to kill your friends or loved ones would you take it? Probably not! So as soon as it comes out he was on what ever drug it was will quickly be swept under the rug and TADA, “BAN GUNS!” we have a scapegoat ladies and gentlemen.

We are not saying you should never have your 2nd amendment rights if you have had mental/emotional problems in the past, but if you are on these type of drugs you should probably not be in possession of a firearm during that time period. What needs to happen is there needs to be a cool down period afterward so it can be determined if you are a threat to yourself or others before your rights can be reinstated, much like DWIs and driveing privileges.

Discretion among the firearm industry is also a key factor. Just because someone passes a background check doesn’t mean you should sell them a firearm just to make that bottom dollar .in our opinion A great example of this happened a week after the Vegas shooting. Where a customer went into a vegas gun shop and asked, “how many rounds does that hold” The shop responded, “15” to which the customer made the comment. ” well I guess thats fine, it’s I’m not going to Mandalay bay.” The customer was instantly told to get the fuck out, the 4473 ripped in half, and the sale cancelled. It could have been a case of too soon for a joke or the guy could have legitimately had something wrong with him.  Either way shops need to use their right to refuse service to individuals they deem irresponsible, and to use the highest form of discretion.

Another great article to take a look at the delves further into this is “Murder Marketing, Targeting The Ultimate Niche By Extremists”  Which talks about social media and the ways it can be used to drive people to commit these atrocities, and horrible events.

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