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Shots Fired Episode 2 The Show Me Shooter

Beary and a coworker stopped at the Florissant Show-Me’s for lunch while waiting for a work truck to get fixed when a conversation with some other patrons suddenly escalated.

Fox 2 News reports

Witnesses told police the shooting was spurred by a discussion over the size of a dog. Beary and his friend were having a friendly chat with a man who owned a dog and the dog owner’s friend, who would become the shooting suspect. The friend reportedly claimed that the dog weighed 290 pounds, and Beary said he didn’t believe it.

The disagreement wasn’t very heated, however, and Beary had even exchanged phone numbers with the gunman after the two talked about possible construction jobs earlier. Finally, Beary and his friend got up to leave and, as Beary was walking by the suspect, a witness said he talked to the shooter to express there were no hard feelings on the disagreement.

As Beary got to the exit, Myers twice called Beary a foul name, all while having his hand on his firearm. Beary then turned around and walked towards the suspect. Myers allegedly pulled the firearm from his pocket when Beary raised his hand to punch Myers. Beary punched Myers, who then opened fire.

Beary was struck five times. Beary’s coworker was also wounded but attempted to revive Beary, who died at the scene.

Beary died just days after burying a daughter born premature at 22 weeks.

Listen to the podcast anywhere ANY TIME BELOW!

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SlideFire; The Sacrificial Lamb!

On tuesday President Trump said he’s directed AG Sessions to clarify if bump-stocks are illegal and to propose regulations to “ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns.”

But then it gets weird. 25 minuets before the Associated Press made their tweet SlideFires website went down. 1o minutes later the website went from a server error to account suspended. When we reached out to SlideFire, their CEO thinks that someone may have pulled the plug even though no legislations or laws had been passed yet. That, or the webhosting company got the shit scared out of them.

However, One theory believes these actions against SlideFire are retaliation from the president for encroaching on his trademarked phrase, “Make America Great Again.” as SlideFire used the term for their Presidents Day sale.


Either way we were almost certain that “Bump-fire” stocks were going to be the sacrificial lamb after the Mandalay Bay shooting in vegas. So much so that we stopped ordering them. However since the school shooting liberals and democrats are losing their shit and are up in arms. As a result the republicans are offering up bump-stocks as a sacrificial lamb as a means of appeasement. As the president said he is moving to ban any device that turns an ordinary rifle into a machine guns which begs the question what are they going to define as a machine gun?

A direct quote from Sessions states, “Any Device that makes it easy to fire rounds quickly.”

What is disturbing about this is that it now goes from banning bump-stocks to essentially opening Pandora’s Box. This could mean that all of your Binary triggers, Drop in triggers, trigger springs, pretty much any mechanical part that has to do with the trigger will be banned! How can the DOJ and ATF possibly determine what is an acceptable rate of fire for a semi automatic fire arm? How are they going to determine what the allowable poundage on a trigger is?

It is time for Responsible Gun Owners to step up and educate their elected officials. Tell them the difference between a binary trigger and a regular trigger, what trigger springs do, etc. and fight. R.G.Os. and Republicans need to get involved and take action. Call those elected officials, write letters to your congressman, and if they are not willing to listen or play ball vote them out! Just posting to Facebook isn’t going to help the situation!

Links Mentioned in this podcast!

  • USCCA Gain Complete Peace Of Mind In An Unpredictable World When You Join The USCCA Family Today!
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Parkland School Shooting, Real Talk about a Real Problem

The liberal left wing media constantly cries that shit like this happens way too much and honestly they’re partially right. The problem however is they are not addressing the actual root cause they instantly regurgitate talking points with out trying to find the solution to a problem. So lets take a moment to pause and discuss possible solutions to a problem that has gone on resolved for quite some time!

We failed those students. We ALL failed them. Social Justice warriors, Law enforcement, Gun owners, Mental Health professionals, Teachers, Everyone failed them

Many are coming out saying the shooter was Antifa, Democrat, threepercenter, republican but the truth of the matter is he wasnt one of us but he was on the nutjob side of the right wing. He hated antifa. He hated isis and made fun of muslims. so far as to say things like, ” Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad lol” His class mates even claimed he was racist towards muslims.

In fact there is over 2 years worth of violent post and threats being made yet nothing came of it. One YouTuber reported a comment in which Cruz stated,  “I want to be a professional school shooter.” This was 5 months before the shooting. What else did you need to read to see that this is a threat?!?! This is not the only instance of this. These threats of violence go back quite a bit and he evens pays tribute to other active shooter situations.

CNN reports that a user named Nikolas Cruz left comments on several Youtube videos in which he talked about shooting people and violence.

Nine months ago, the user posted on a video clip from the NatGeo show “Alaska State Troopers: Armed and Dangerous,” writing, “I am going to kill law enforcement one day they go after the good people.”

Six months ago, the user wrote, “Im going watch them sheep fall f*ck antifa i wish to kill as many as i can,” on a YouTube video titled “Antifa Gun Club.”

Also nine months ago, Cruz commented, “I am going to do what he did,” on a video about the 1966 sniper shooting at the University of Texas.

CNN says the user wrote on other posts, “I whana shoot people with my AR-15 (sic)” and “I wanna die Fighting killing shit ton of people.” The user also wrote, “Elliot rodger will not be forgotten,” a reference to the 22-year-old California man who killed six people and wounded 14 others near UC Santa Barbara in 2014 before killing himself.

With all these algorithms being used by the NSA and even Facebook and YouTube, you would think that this would have pinged on their radar like a fucking nuclear threat and reported! That is far from what actually happened. The Algorithms Facebook and YouTube put into place to police its users failed miserably on multiple instances of content that should have been flagged.

Now He had been previously treated for mental health issues and we are not sure if he got his firearm before or after treatment but on the 4473 which you have to fill out before purchasing a firearm, it asks, “have you ever been adjudicated as a mentally defective.” This in essence means a judge said you are crazy and need treatment. Treatment often includes psychoactive drugs. These are the same drugs you see on late night tv with side effect warnings like “STOP TAKING IMMEDIATELY AND SEE A DOCTOR IF YOU GET FEELINGS OF SELF HARM OR SUICIDE. These big pharma companies never mention Homicidal thoughts, and think about it, if a company told you that if you take a drug and one of the possible side affects would make you want to kill your friends or loved ones would you take it? Probably not! So as soon as it comes out he was on what ever drug it was will quickly be swept under the rug and TADA, “BAN GUNS!” we have a scapegoat ladies and gentlemen.

We are not saying you should never have your 2nd amendment rights if you have had mental/emotional problems in the past, but if you are on these type of drugs you should probably not be in possession of a firearm during that time period. What needs to happen is there needs to be a cool down period afterward so it can be determined if you are a threat to yourself or others before your rights can be reinstated, much like DWIs and driveing privileges.

Discretion among the firearm industry is also a key factor. Just because someone passes a background check doesn’t mean you should sell them a firearm just to make that bottom dollar .in our opinion A great example of this happened a week after the Vegas shooting. Where a customer went into a vegas gun shop and asked, “how many rounds does that hold” The shop responded, “15” to which the customer made the comment. ” well I guess thats fine, it’s I’m not going to Mandalay bay.” The customer was instantly told to get the fuck out, the 4473 ripped in half, and the sale cancelled. It could have been a case of too soon for a joke or the guy could have legitimately had something wrong with him.  Either way shops need to use their right to refuse service to individuals they deem irresponsible, and to use the highest form of discretion.

Another great article to take a look at the delves further into this is “Murder Marketing, Targeting The Ultimate Niche By Extremists”  Which talks about social media and the ways it can be used to drive people to commit these atrocities, and horrible events.

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Blow up dolls, Facial Hair, & Zombies….It’s TIME to talk Sh*t



TJ sits down with Jack Mandaville who was raised in Minnesota and joined the Marine Corps because of his self-loathing hatred for the wonderful and comfortable life his parents gave him.   Whether it’s a movie role, author, or just schananagains, Jack keeps us on our toes!

In this episode of Talk Shit we cover everything including:

  • Jack’s History
  • What it was like working on Range 15
  • His plans for the future

So Come and sit down, and prepare to laugh your ass off!

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Clint Walker, A Shark In Bloody Water

If you are at the NRA show, and you start to hear the JAWS theme, look around for THE Clint Walker might be circling YOUR booth.  He’ll be looking for the best and brightest NEW ideas and INNOVATION in the market.

The gun industry is basically dudes trolling dudes-Clint Walker

Before we talk about the future, lets talk about the past, something that Clint rarely mentions. Many people would be surprised to learn that Clint purchased his first AR15 (from SI Defense) back in 2010. “That was the first and last AR rifle that I bought and the only one in my collection now that I didn’t build,” Clint said.

In 2011 Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely approached Clint to have him look at some designs at a firearm startup in NW Montana. That company later became Proof Research. Before that Clint had been studying the fire arms industry and considered himself a gun collector and enthusiast.  He and his wife owned a successful magazine publishing company at the time and also handled various marketing and branding projects.  PROOF was already committed to a marketing plan and direct, so Clint had THE IDEA, to start their own firearm company. Clint felt that he  could work with a small team to design a totally new product, and start fresh with a company that in his own words ” Actually gave a shit”.

“NEMO was a shoestring budget and literally started from my home office and garage,” Clint adds.

Over the course of two short years Clint and a small team dedicated themselves to rethinking the AR platform and introduced the OMEN 300’Win Mag AR turning the industry on axis. The rapid growth of NEMO took its toll in many ways on the small team. Clint resigned his position and remains a shareholder today.

Since then Clint has made HUGE leaps and bounds in the firearms industry with a name synonymous with precision and success.Many were shocked when Clint was announced as the Executive VP of SI Defense (now known as FALKOR Defense.) ” FALKOR gave me an opportunity to rewrite history. So many things were said when I left NEMO, so many things left undone. Perfecting the 300WM was one of them and the Sonju’s gave me an opportunity to do that.” FALKOR blew up seemingly overnight under Clint’s direction and so the industry was again in shock when he resigned recently.

“Every new beginning comes from another beginnings end.” ? Years ago when I left NEMO people were aghast. People see what they want to see. And what they don’t see they make up. I went on to launch FALKOR with some awesome people. The gal to my left @sara_kote has worked with me for 8-years now. She worked with me on some challenging startups. She is always part of my team. The guy on my right @si.squatch I met when I landed at SI.Defense. Together, along with others (not pictured) we launched FALKOR. We did what many said could never be done again. Despite the shitbag trolls spreading lies on social media, we force fead the baddest ass AR platform rifle the world has ever known down the throats of naysayers and left our competitors selling out of the trunk of their cars. The excitement and challenge of startups drives me. And eventually, “too big to fail” egos take over…its natural. Tonight, we celebrated what we achieved. We toasted to our new futures as we have all moved on. We righted wrongs and congratulated one another. I expect great things from these two. We have endured many challenges together and met each with resolve. The world is ours. Thank you both. #movingon #thenextbigthing #future #team #pirates #teamfalkor #grateful

A post shared by Clint Walker (@the_clint_walker) on

“Leaving FALKOR was a very difficult decision for me and very much a personal one. We had an incredible team and many I still consider close friends. But I’m at a point in my life where money is not the most important driver or measure of success. I like to build teams. I like to innovate. I like to do what people say cannot be done. Whether that’s a new platform or turning a company around, or gaining market share – that’s what drives me.” Clint said.


Clint has been working with ZERO Delta and Next Level Arms on some projects most recently and admits he’s still looking for inspiration on the next “big thing.”

“One of the things I like doing most At Shot Show or NRA Annual Meeting is going incognito. (Which he admits has gotten harder to do over the years.) “I like to put on a hat, and cruise the smaller booths, looking for creative new ideas or items.  I am always looking for the next best thing.” Clint said.

Though at THIS NRA convention Clint will be going NOT as a powerhouse in the industry, but JUST FOR FUN.  You see he thinks that, the gun industry is about to go through the biggest evolution it has seen in the last 15 years.

“Innovate or die. The industry needs attrition. If you are not a well-run company, managing assets and cash flow and people, you will fail. If you don’t have innovative products that live up to your marketing claims, then you will fail.” Clint said plainly.   In his very own words Clint said he will be “like a Shark in blood filled water” swimming around and picking the BEST and Brightest minds of the industry, waiting for the ships to sink.  So that he can grab up the very best talent to either start a NEW company, or something else.


What we DO know is that something is coming, and it will be AWESOME!

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Talk Shit Episode 3 (Podcast) Green Beret ODA Ranger Sniper & UFC Fighter – Tim Kennedy

In this episode of Talk Shit, HMFIC T.J. gets to talk shit with Star of Range 15, Ranger qualified, Green Beret, Special Forces Sniper, Contractor,  Special Operations Detachment,  MMA fighter, and American Sheepdog Tim Kennedy.


In the interview Tim covers, what it was like working on the set of Range15, a day in his life, which is better Glock or 1911, what is a sheepdog, and he talks about just exactly what his Sheepdog Response training is.