This is not military surplus. It was recently manufactured by NATO military contract manufacturing facility in North Macedonia. Old Army, a Veteran Owned US based importer brand, puts their label on it and stands behind it! They’re goal is to provide Americans with a cost-effective solution for quality 5.56x45mm target practice and competition.
This ammunition is NATO Spec M193, and is loaded with 55 grain full metal jacket projectiles. The FMJ isn’t built for terminal expansion – certainly a poor choice for medium game hunting, and not optimal (but not at all ineffective) for personal protection. The bullet’s antimonial lead core gives it density. Its copper-zinc alloy jacket gives it hardness.
ATS loads these cartridges with new brass cases, which are made of the same CuZn30 formula as any cases you’d get from an American manufacturer. Noncorrosive Boxer primers and smokeless double-base propellant complete the picture!