Molon Labe Gun Spartan T-Shirt


While molon labe has historically expressed daring in the face of overwhelming opposition, it has evolved to voice bold opposition to perceived oppression. During gun-control efforts starting in the early 21st century, molon labe spread among hardline US gun-rights advocates,  who believe the government is trying to restrict YOUR Second Amendment rights to bear arms. As a statement of defiance

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The expression molon labe comes from an account of the historic Battle of Thermopylae between Xerxes I, king of Persia, and Leonidas I, king of the Greek city-state Sparta, in 480 b.c.

According to the Greek biographer Plutarch in a collection of Spartan sayings, Xerxes demanded the Greeks surrender their weapons. Defiantly, Leonidas answered: “Molon labe,” roughly translates to “Come and take them.”