Danger Close Media Group

Danger Close Media Group

I have been an advertising and marketing mercenary since I went to work for my fathers advertising agency after leaving law enforcement full time in 2008.  I have almost 30 years and over 60 million dollars in advertising and marketing experience.  I specialize in intrusive media, social media, inbound marketing, SEO, Web Marketing, Web Design and App Development.

Since then, that same Agency; Anchor Communications, Inc. has been doing business almost exclusively in the firearms and tactical industries as Danger Close Marketing Group.

Many agencies can create great content!  Many agencies can plan and launch great brands or campaigns!  However, we do both owning and controlling most of the channels we publish on greatly reducing cost and time to market while improving ROI with the lowest click and conversion costs in the industry guaranteed.

Our network includes over 5 million gun owner emails as well as over 2 million social media followers as well as other channels like podcast, mobile & influencer marketing.

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